Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry (31 Edition)


This item: Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry (31 Edition)
Original price was: $23.99.Current price is: $20.39.
Original price was: $23.99.Current price is: $20.39.

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This item: Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry (31 Edition)
Original price was: $23.99.Current price is: $20.39.
Original price was: $23.99.Current price is: $20.39.

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<em> Author(s): Victor W. Rodwell, David Bender, Kathleen M. Botham , Peter J. Kennelly<em>

<em> PDF | 53MB</em>

Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry earned acclaim for its presentation and organization of complex concepts and connections, anchored in the principles of biochemistry. This legacy continues in the eighth edition with a new framework highlighting the principles and supporting student learning.

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